Friday, June 3, 2011

POST #23

This is the celeb life. I am Monae and I live in the middle of this urban area. I am famous so I am used to all of the lights. Everyone tends to ask me about this are because I am new. I mention, when people ask... I LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIN CITY of Las Vegas! I am an original Hollywood celebrity but I just moved here and I love it! In the tallest building on this landscape, is where all of the huge parties are. If you ever think about visiting Las Vegas come to the Caesar Palace.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

POST #21


Above is a very nice inkblot painting. An inkblot is a blot made of ink. An inkblot is unique because it can be seen differently by different people. In this particular blot I notice two objects. One is a paw print, and the other one is an angel. My sub-conscience notices the paw print more easily but as I continued to look at it I seem to notice an angel also. However this is only what my I can notice, you may see something different in this inkblot, which is the interesting unique part about this particular artwork.

POST #22

There are many performance artists in our society today. There are many that you may not have thought about to be an performance artist also. For example, a famous African American performance artist is Jennifer Hudson. Jennifer Hudson was originally born, Jennifer Kate Hudson on September 12, 1981, in Chicago, Illinois. She is an extremely performance artist. She played in a famous movie called, Dream Girls. I chose Jennifer because I did not know musicians was a form of performance art. I learned that they were, because I searched it and numerous musicians came up. Jennifer did a performance act at an B.E.T show for one minute, and she sung. As you can performance art, is basically any form of art.

POST #20

In Art class, we are currently focusing of Dadaism. Dada is not a real art that has false artworks. This is a movement people created during World War I. This is an artwork created by a Dada artist, Marcel Duchamp. You may know this artist from his famous piece, the urinal. This artwork  is a piece of art that displays a man with two heads, one facing to the side and the other facing to the front, on one neck. This is a form of Dadaism because it is abnormal. It meets the qualifications of the Dada artwork. You would not walk in an art gallery and normally see a piece of a man with two heads, but only has one neck. This also relates to Dadaism because of the artist. Marcel Duchamp is famous Dada artist that created many abnormal artworks

POST #19

In art we have just finished creating portraits. I created a portrait of a lady name Monae'. I came up with this idea because she has the same name as my middle name. While creating this portrait I had some very great experiences. For instance my first experience was creating the actual painting. This was a good experience for me because I have never painting a picture of someone else before. Another fantastic experience was learning how to mix colors and add black or whit to make the original color lighter or darker. This was a great experience because I used only one color, which was orange, but it had many different shades of orange. I thought this was very cool because I did not think the final piece would look presentable. After going through these different experiences, my final portrait came out really nice.

POST #18

Below is a picture I found online that an artist made. I chose this panting because I found it extremely interesting and it really caught my eye. This particular artist chose nice, cool colors to create this piece. I think the artist felt soothed and calm while creating this piece of work. I say this because she chose blue, red and orange. Also, because she has butterflies and flowers displayed in the painting too. The artist mixed and blended some colors to make look as if this painting is to separate artworks. As you can see, I have came up with many different reasons on how this artist may have felt while creating this picture. I think was happy and calm.


POST # 17

The artist I chose to was Shepard Fairey. Shepard Fairy is an extremely famous portrait artist who creates many nice portraits. One of his famous portraits is the one displayed below. This is a picture of President Barack Obama with the words, HOPE and PROGRESS. This portrait shows many S.P.R.I.T.E categories, such as social, and political. The first social aspect of this portrait is that it was made to Barack's people. It can also be seen socially because it is letting it be known that our country has hope, and will progress.. The politically feature of this portrait is that he is the President of the United States and it is encouraging him. It is also letting it be known that our country has. As you can see, Shepard did a fantastic job in displaying messages and providing strong encouragement with only using two words. The image of Barack Obama shows social and political evidence.